Picture |
- Intel 486 SX / DX / DX2 / DX4 CPUs
- AMD 486 DX / DX2 / DX4-100 / DX4-120 / Am5x86-133
- Cyrix M7 CPUs / 3.8V / Cx5x86-120 CPUs
Chip Set |
Cache memory |
- Supports 128K, 256K, 512K, or 1M cache memory
Main memory |
- Supports eight memory banks using four 72-pin
SIMM modules with 1M, 2M, 4M, 8M, 16M, 32M DRAM.
Slots |
- Three 32-bits Master PCI Bus slots and four
16-bit ISA bus slots in maximum combinations of
four 16-bit ISA and three PCI slots.
Battery: |
- 3.6V/60 mA Ni/MH rechargeable battery
Dimensions |
- Standard baby-AT size: 25 x 22 cm x 4 layer PCB
Mounting |
Manual |